lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019


Resultado de imagen para dentista gif simpson
Resultado de imagen para dentista gifHi everyone, since I was a child I always thought about what my future job could be, over time my ideas changed, for a time I wanted to be a veterinarian, later I wanted to be an astronaut, I wanted to be a teacher, even I wanted to be a midwife because my cat was pregnant and I attended her birth, and it is funny because the cat pregnancy is very different from human pregnancy HA HA. For that reason, today I will talk about my future job.

One day I made my decision and I chose Dentistry, because I always had caries and I always went to the dentist :( I really liked sweets and I didn’t like brushing my teeth, so those were the consequences and I took a special love. I liked the smell of anaesthetic ( the smell of dentist), I liked the instruments that the dentist had and, above all, I liked when the dentist ended my pain :’).

It was a long introduction, but I imagine me being a dentist with my box or my office, indoors,  I don’t know, but doing the things that the dentists do, waiting my patients, end your discomforts and teach them to take care of their mouths.

I would like to travel in my job, learn new techniques and increase my knowledge's, and maybe I would like to work in other country. I don’t know what a dentist’s salary is, but if it is enough to survive, I’m OK. 

Now is time to start thinking about a major and are too many majors, so at the moment I don’t know, maybe over time I know more about them :)

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019

My Favourite Series

Resultado de imagen para black mirror giftThe way that I started to watch this series was in 2017 or 2018, I don’t remember, when I was with my sister in my house on holidays and we had nothing to do. My sister had bought a Netflix account, so we decided to watch series. We search on Netflix all the series and we found this series, Black Mirror.
Black mirror is a series without a line of story, I mean; every episode is a different story, in different place with different characters, but they all represent how bad technology can do to us. This series is about how technology and the media affect our lives. I think that the base of this plot is a negative review about technology, because almost all the episode end badly or have a very dark plot, but I can’t stop watching them. For this reason I think that "Black mirror" is a very nice and creative name, because every episode includes black mirrors like phones, monitors, televisions or tablets, and they reflect us.
Black mirror was created by Charlie Brooker, and It has many protagonists because, as I said before, every one episode has a different.
It is very difficult to decide my favorite episode, because I think that all the episodes are very good. But, maybe, my favorite episode is the episode 3 “The Entire History of You” of the first season. This episode is about in the near future all the world could have a memory implant that It will record everything humans do, see or say :O

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

A teacher that has inspired me

Resultado de imagen para profesor jirafales gifOn someday of 2012, when I was a new student in the school, I arrived late to school and I had math classes, so I entered the classroom and there she was, she yell at me because I was unpunctual and I was making noise with my pencils L but that was my fault.

She was my math teacher, she was my head teacher and her name is Carmen Lavin. She inspired me because since the first day I see that she had vocation to teach things of the math’s and things of the life. In the math classes she was looking different ways to solve the same problem and she took the necessary time to explain all of the ways time and again. I was impressed because I never had a math teacher so excited to teach and, above all, so interested in the learning of each one of us. Also,in the middle of the classes, or at the end of the classes, she took a time for read stories or tells us experiences of her life. 
She was like a mom, when I had problems she quoted me to talk, to know if I was good, or if I needed something. I think that she is integral teacher, and she deserves the best.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

The best Holidays ever

Resultado de imagen para curacautinHi everyone, today I will talk about my best holidays ever :3

2 years Ago, I visited a place called Curacautín, this place is located in the Araucanía region, it’s a place with a small town, it is not a very concurrent, or known place, but my aunt has a lonely land there.

 When I went to Curacautín I was there for 1 week with all my family, I mean, my mom, my dad, my 3 sisters, my brother, my boyfriend and my 4 cats, I was sad to leave my cats alone at home .

the good thing about the land where we were is that it was a place with many hectares and with a river included, so, we did rides, we play to catch my aunt’s cheeps (because they escaped from the corral D:) we catch fishes in the river and we did a barbecued beef :p.

All this sounds like a common walk south, but I was very happy because I don't usually go out on holidays and I really like the South for the tranquility that it generates in me, the silence, the bird, the grass, and all the things that this magnificent place has :).

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2019

A country I'D like to visit

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Resultado de imagen para nueva zelanda turismoHi everyone, welcome to my blog. Today I want to talk to you about a country I’d like to visit. I’m 19 years old and I have never traveled outside of Chile, but I’ve always dreamed of going to New Zealand. This place looks delightful, the perfect combination of urban and rural. New Zealand is a country that includes 2 islands in the Pacific Ocean, so beautiful.

I would like to visit the museum Te Papa Tongarewa, this museum is located in the Capital Wellington, and this place seems to be a majestic place and full of culture and history.
I don’t know much about New Zealand, I only have general knowledges, but I would like to know more places inside this country, places like Rotorua, Auckland or Christchurch. I think that these towns are fascinating.

I would like to stroll a lot for New Zealand for a year or the time that I need, and, if a like so much some place, I would like to live there. But first I need to talk the language, you know.

Anyway, maybe sometime I will be able to travel to New Zealand :’).

lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

Evaluation of my blogging experience

Resultado de imagen para blog gifI think that writing on a blog is complicated, because, for example, I don’t know what things write on it, I don’t find the words and I think that is difficult to create paragraphs, especially in English. Anyway I think that write on my blog has helped me to know new word and it has helped me to learn a little more English, I want to say that I feel that my skills have increased with this course.

On the other hand, I could knew more about my classmates and my teacher, and they could knew more about me. Also I could met new people and they could help me to learn more.

In the future, I think that the blogs could be more about the career, I mean, blogs where we occupy words more techniques about Dentistry, because we have to read many things in English and there are words that we don’t know. Also It could include parts of the body or medical instruments, and more.

The blogs are a very good base for the English and them are a simple way to learn English, so if them didn’t change, they would be fine. Also the English class could include an assistant teacher for better feedback for all.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

Pokémon Go

Resultado de imagen para pokemon go gifI play Pokémon go in my smartphone with the app Pokémon Go, You can choose your team which can be red, blue or yellow. The main purpose of this game is catch the Pokémon’s walking on the streets, literally. When you walk on the street spawn a lot of Pokémon’s and you can catch it and complete the “Pokédex” (It is a kind of encyclopedia with all the Pokémon’s in the game). Also you can fight in the “gym” (A Gym is a place where Pokémon Trainers go to train their Pokémon) with the others players, of another team, for take the place in the gym and defend it. Additionally you can participate in “Raid battle” where all the teams can fight against with a type of boss that can be Legendary, Rare or normal Pokémon. 

I play Pokémon Go with my boyfriend and friends, when we have time. Sometimes we played it in “Community day” (is a monthly in-game event in Pokémon GO that features specific Pokémon through limited-time increased spawn rates and obtainable exclusive moves for three hours) with a lot of friendly people who play with us.

I like this game because I can go out, I can visit places that I didn’t know that existed in my city, and I can found Pokémon’s in that places, all places. I play it when I remember it or when is the Community day, and I play it in the parks normally.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

Skills development and self-care for professional practice

Imagen relacionadaHi everyone! Today I will write about “Skills development and self-care for professional practice”. This was a subject that I had last year and this subject is about the basic knowledge’s of dentistry, like the instruments that you use, the materials, the basic anatomy of the oral cavity, the different areas in dentistry, and more. Also, in this subject, you can get the first approach to dentistry, because, inside the program of this subject, you have time to practice in the pre-clinic lab with false teeth.

I liked this subject because I have time to practice. I liked it when I was going to the pre-clinic lab to work with the materials of dentistry. I was learning so much. I could make cavities to “remove caries” (with quotation marks because you worked with false teeth) and then restore the teeth with resin or glass ionomer, you could also work the motor activity, and learn about the purpose of the instruments.

The theoretical part is fun and interesting; you can be sitting and listening to the class and you can learn, but for me nothing compares with the practice . The two parts (theoretical and practice) were evaluated but I enjoyed the practice part  more because I was doing things.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

The person that I admire in the health area

There isn’t much information about German Valenzuela Basterrica on the internet, but he was born in the 19th century approximately and I think he was born in Chile. He was a doctor and he was sent by the government to specialize as a dentist in Paris, obtaining his degree in 1889
In 1909, the Doctor Germán Valenzuela Basterrica, with his respective dental practices, he deciphered the mysterious police case, called "Crime of Becker", which had put at risk the bilateral relations between Chile and Germany.
For this great work, the president of the Republic, Pedro Montt, cited Doctor Valenzuela and, after congratulating him, He offered him a reward from the Chilean government. Before this opportunity, Dr. Valenzuela responded that he wished "the construction of a modern Dental School, which is so necessary for the country".

That is, Thanks to his work as a dentist, the modern dental school that we have until today was built, and it is the reason that he is the person that I admire. Because I can study dentistry thanks to his merit as a dentist and his desire to create this dental school.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

My favorite place in Santiago

My favorite place in Santiago is the Forestal park, because it is so beautiful and good for makes activities. I visit this park when is the Community day of Pokémon, that is every month, or when I’m walking around there. This park is so big, it has games for children, candy’s, ice cream`s, and you can stroll with your dog, if you have a dog haha, or only stroll alone or with another person or as you want, anyway it’s a nice view.

Some Days, in this place a clown appears, and He makes his show for free and he invites the people to participate. Also, other people do puppet shows in the same park. I Don't know what days they stay there because I only visit this park on weekends.

I stroll in this park with my boyfriend and we enjoy too much stay there. I would like to visit this park with my little sisters because I think they will enjoy it a lot.

Imagen relacionadaBye.

(in this image you can see how the forest park is full of people the community days of Pokémon) -->

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

A Photograph I like

I took this photo when my cat Nieves was in the bed of my room. This picture is special for me because it reminds me of my cat Nieves and all the time we shared together; I think that photograph is so good because you can see all the face of Nieves and the color of her eyes and her fur. Also Nieves looks so cute and lovely.

He was born on October 23, 2017, with others 2 brothers, but He was the most obedient and best cat, He did his needs in his sandbox and he was always clean.

 I like to take photos of my cats and I have many cats (six), but Nieves was the most beloved for me and now he isn’t in this worldL. I had Nieves for almost 2 years and in this year he got sick and he couldn’t survive.

Anyway I think he is in a best place but I still miss him L.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

"Skating: My Favorite Physical Exercise"

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My favorite physical exercise is skating. I play that sport with my boyfriend. We bought skates 2 years ago, but I have had skates since I was 10 years old.
I play skating when I have free time. The municipality of my commune closes the street on Sundays to practice sports from 9 am to 1 pm and I'm going to practice skating, or somedays I go to the park to practice too.

As you can see the skating that I practice is on wheels. My skates are one for each foot and each one has 4 wheels in one line.

The main reason why I like skating is that it is a very entertaining sport, and this makes me feel calm and free. I also avoid being a sedentary person and I keep myself in constant exercise. I am not a professional and I do not know much about this sport, but I enjoy it a lot.

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lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

In the actuality exist too much pieces of technology like computer, tablet, microwave, fridge, oven, Television, and more. But my favorite piece of technology is my cell phone. I got my first cell phone when I was 12 years old because I requested to my mother in the shopping center, but that cell phone was very basic, only serves to call and send and receive messages.

Obviously now I have a best cell phone and I always thought that the cell phones are distracting because when I attempt to study I lose the concentration with Instagram, WhatsApp and the others Social networks.
Anyway the cell phone also has good things such as GPS, take photos, film important moments, communication with friends and family and study too.

I use my cell phone all day and every day, I can’t live without it, because it is my way to communicate with all people by messages, mails, calls, video calls, and other things like to learn what is going on in the world or in the places I visit. And it liked for that.

If I didn’t have my cell phone maybe I will need to search other way for locate me in the world, for communicate to the persons and for the study.

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lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

My career choice

Since I was a child, I didn’t know what I wanted to be. In the school I was more interest in math and sciences, but on the side of language and history I felt bored. For some time, I thought to be astronomer because the space is so big and strange, but over time I lose the interest of that.
 When I was studying in the secondary school, the professors spoke to us about the different careers like medicine, Nutrition, Chemistry and pharmacy, Engineering, and more. Between all of them, Odontology called my attention, the clinical field, the things that they do and their importance and impact in the world.
Today, I’m studying Odontology and I think it's a very nice career but it is so hard sometimes. Anyway I desire to finish it and put into practice all my knowledges.

My Autobiography

Hi, my name is Danna, I'm 19 years old and I was born on February 09, 2000. I'm living in Santiago, Chile, with my Family, we are seven persons at home and we have six cats, we are thirteen living beings.
I'm studying Odontology since 2018 in the Universidad de Chile and I think it's a very nice career but it is so hard sometimes :(.

I don't have any specific pastime; On the one hand I like the sports area, like basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc. But on the other hand I like to play online games on PS4, Computer or Smartphone, I don't have a favorite game type but now I'm playing Fortnite and Pokemon GO more than others.
And that is all.


Hi everyone, since I was a child I always thought about what my future job could be, over time my ideas changed, for a time I wanted to b...